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The StefansPHOTO blog will be moved to a new location shortly:



I am excited that I finally got this project going that I had for a long time been hoping to get going. The Grand View Photo club. It’s been a dream of mine for quite some time now, to get a bunch of likeminded people together and build a little community that will enrich our lives spiritually and photographically.

Heres the link if you’d like to visit:

The blog:

The Facebook page:

The DevianyART page:

Yes you heard right! I am offering a promotion of free family portrait sessions to the first 5 families requesting between December 17th 2008 and January 25th 2009.

The rules are simple:

  • you request a photoshoot between the dates of December 17th 2008 and January 25th 2009
  • we decide on a date to do the photoshoot
  • you receive 1 family portrait plus 3 retouched individual portraits on CD

Contact me:

Telephone: 519-580-0699


So I haven’t posted anything in many a months. Here I am again with an explanation and some eye-candy to satisfy those insulted by my lateness. The reason why I haven’t posten in so long is that things have been busy. My darling girlfriend Alyssa has visited me for two unforgettable weeks (during which I had my car broken into, yuch what a dislikable experience) and I managed to finish the editing of (and delivered) my friends Joe and Jenny’s engagement portraits. So here we go!

Here are some portraits I shot of my wonderfully beautiful Alyssa:

And here are the long expected engagement photos of Joe and Jenny:

Hope you enjoyed! More at

I just got back a few days ago from a four day trip to Montreal, Quebec. The one thing I love more than old cities is photographing old gigantic and imposing Cathedrals. I got to really satisfy my craving for that on this trip. The three cathedrals that I enjoyed the most were Notre Dame (the oldest), St Joseph’s Oratorium (the most imposing) and Marie Reine Du Monde. I most certainly recommend visiting them if you are in the area =)

Notre Dame - Montreal

Notre Dame - Montreal

When I shot this one I did not have my tripod with me. I know, what a shame for a photographer to have forgotten his tripod in the hotel room, but I improvised well using my plastic filter case as an utensil to tilt my camera up while in wide-angle mode.

St Josephs Oratorium

St Joseph's Oratorium

Marie Reigne du Monde

Marie Reigne du Monde

Montreal dweller I

Montreal dweller I

And I got to do some street-photography as well, catching some very unique sights.

Montreal dweller II

Montreal dweller II

The other day I shot the first session of Andrew and Kelsey’s engagement pictures in a park close to where Kelsey lives. It was great considering we managed to catch some golden light from the sunset. It was sooo much fun, I could so see the love between them shining through and overpowering the blazing sunrays. Ok this was cheesy, so now let’s see some pictures!